Rwandan Characters: Merab Twahirwa, What are you capable of? Mandela African Fellow.


Merab Tawhirwa is a software product manager for Pivot Access, a software company based in Kigali.

Pivot Access delivers products in financial technologies and payment solutions areas. Pivot Access has worked with financial institutions and independent and delivered solutions to numerous challenges to the Rwandan Markets amidst East Africa Tech Market.

Besides her full-time job she’s a member of Girls’ In ICT Rwanda, a group that mentors and speaks to teenage girls to encourage them to consider ICT as a career and also help them understand the importance of developing ICT skills in any career.

Prior to joining Pivot Access, Merab worked as an Intern at IBM Research Africa, where she worked in a team to develop new business models for agribusiness value chains using mobile platforms. Having worked in the local agricultural economy the wider community expects her to stretch the boundaries, what she has done numerous times.

Merab holds a Master’s of Science degree in Information Technology from Carnegie Mellon University, and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Merab planes to continue to engage other fellows to enhance her network focusing on bringing her company’s products to other African countries.

Merab was awarded the Mandela African Fellowship in 2015 for his community and leadership engagement as an exemplary leader.

This biography was sourced and edited from IREX.


posted on: Thursday March 17, 2016 by Ruta Muhoza