Success: Self-taught or Formally Educated, Advantages of formal education


One of the biggest advantages of formal education is that you get a degree which is a mark of recognition that you have achieved a level of knowledge in that particular field. Having a college degree means that you have successfully completed the training as prescribed in the syllabus, which is viewed as a gauge of your academic achievement.

Many companies tend to prefer candidates who have a college degree. So, if you possess a degree, you automatically gain an edge over the competition while looking for a job.

Well-structured Learning

Though formal education lacks the convenience and flexibility of self-education, it offers the student much more in terms of the actual structure of the learning process.
College and university curriculum are designed to impart as complete a level of knowledge on the subject as possible. These curriculum are based on tried and tested methods, which ensure that you get to learn a subject in the best, efficient and the most complete manner.

Strong Fundamental Knowledge

As described above, with college education it is more than likely that by the time you graduate, the knowledge that you would have acquired will already be outdated by industrial standards. However, you will still be able to grasp the new technology quickly owing to your strong grip on the basic concepts.
College and university curriculum is designed by professionals. In it, emphasis is laid on covering all the fundamental aspects of the subject. Since the newer technologies always build on the older ones, having your fundamental concepts clear will put you in an advantageous position.

Better Guidance

Being formally educated means that you will enroll into a college or other similar educational institution. There you will get the benefit of being taught and guided by learned teachers and other subject experts.

This will be a big boon as you will be able to take advantage of their experience and gain in-depth knowledge about the subject.

Placement Assistance

Another important advantage of being formally educated is that along with training, you are also typically provided assistance in landing a job. Most of the big companies usually visit prestigious and reputed institutes to hire talent fresh out of college. If you graduate from one of these, you get the chance to appear for the selection processes of these companies which would otherwise have been difficult to enter into.

Further you also stand a greater chance at being selected since knowing that you are a student of the prestigious institute, the companies will already be looking at you in a favorable light.
Thus, both formal education as well self-education have their own sets of distinct advantages. No one of these is better than the other. In the end, the choice between the two, comes down to individual preferences as well as personal situation.

Source :Buzzle Article
Published by Maurice Nshuti

posted on: Monday January 18, 2016 by Maurice Nshuti