Inspirational Characters: Dr. Augustin Banyaga


Professor Augustin Banyaga was born in Rwanda on March 31th 1947. He is currently professor of Mathematics at Pennsylvania States University in the United States of America.

Prior to joining Pennsylvania State University, he held a position at the Institute of Advance Study in Princeton University in New Jersey in 1977. He later joined Harvard University in 1978, Boston University in 1982 and finally Pennsylvania State University in 1984 rising through the ranks from an assistant professor to a full professor in 1992.

He has been a visiting professor at various universities: in Louvain, Belgium (University of Louvain); in Warwick, United Kingdom; in Porto Novo, Benin in Maryland and Howard in the United States and Butare in Rwanda at the late National University of Rwanda.

Professor Banyaga’s research interests include algebra, geometry, typology, contact, poisson, and dynamics sympletic, locally conformal sympletic, volume preserving and measure preserving diffeomorphisms of smooth manifolds.

In his work on the African continent, Prof Banyaga was once editor of the Africa Matematika Journal of the African Mathematical.

Professor Banyaga has collaborations with Professional Organizations and Scientific Institutions. He also has national and international awards and recognitions with 70 articles and 2 books published.


posted on: Thursday October 16, 2014 by Innocent Bihira